Mouse Modulator

Mouse Modulator is a standalone program that exposes mouse and trackpad signals on the distributed libmapper signal mapping network, providing new opportunities for interaction between hardware devices and synthesizers/audio effects. One of the major difficulties in using libmapper as a new user is access to libmapper-compatible input devices. Mouse Modulator provides a number of gestural signals to the user related to mouse/trackpad direction, speed, clicks, scrolls and more. One common use case is to pair this program with Mapper4Live to modulate Ableton Live parameters in real time.

As the program is built with Unity3D, the mouse is locked in place (similar to a game) while interacting to avoid collisions with other programs on the screen. (just press ESC to unlock).

You can find the code repository here.

© 2024 Brady Boettcher   •  Theme  Moonwalk